What do I do?
(And how much will it cost?)
What do I do?
I copy-edit and proofread a few different genres of non-fiction books, primarily cookery and healthy lifestyle, but also beginner’s exercise, popular reference and others. But what is copy-editing and how does it differ from proofreading? Below I briefly explain the types of editing and proofreading that I offer and what they involve; if you’d like a more in-depth explanation, the CIEP (Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading), of which I am a member, has some excellent guides about copyediting (What is copyediting?) and proofreading (What is proofreading?).
How much will it cost?
Every piece of text differs, and everyone’s budget differs, so before I give an estimate or agree to a fee, I will ask questions to gauge the level and quantity of work required. Depending on the project, I charge either an hourly rate (see below) or a flat fee based on my assessment of the job.
Copy-editing (prose)
As well as correcting formatting, adhering to house style and collating style sheets, I’ll also get down to the nitty gritty of grammar, correcting clauses, spelling errors and checking that each sentence and paragraph makes sense.
£30 per hour / £12–16 per 1,000 words

Copy-editing (technical)
For cookery, health, exercise… When technical methods and instructions are involved, you need an experienced, knowledgeable eye as well as standard editing skills. I will ensure all elements are present, each step is in the correct order, the instructions can be followed and the language makes sense for your readers.
For cookery, I can also add, check and edit metric, imperial and US measurements, and can adapt the text for dual editions using mid-Atlantic, US-led or UK-led styles.
£33 per hour / £16–22 per 1,000 words
Crossing the ‘t’s and dotting the ‘i’s; spotting any grammatical errors missed during (or added after) the editing stages, marking up typos, spotting inconsistencies and checking proofs to correct printer and formatting errors. I can mark up printouts, work on PDFs using BSI symbols or PDF mark-up tools or proofread directly into InDesign layout files.
£27 per hour / £9–12 per 1,000 words

Get in touch to find out more